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Symmetry-breaking bifurcation in the nonlinear Schr'{o}dinger equation with symmetric potentials

机译:非线性schr \“{o} dinger方程中的对称破缺分岔   具有对称电位



We consider the focusing (attractive) nonlinear Schr\"odinger (NLS) equationwith an external, symmetric potential which vanishes at infinity and supports alinear bound state. We prove that the symmetric, nonlinear ground states mustundergo a symmetry breaking bifurcation if the potential has a non-degeneratelocal maxima at zero. Under a generic assumption we show that the bifurcationis either subcritical or supercritical pitchfork. In the particular case ofdouble-well potentials with large separation, the power of nonlinearitydetermines the subcritical or supercritical character of the bifurcation. Theresults are obtained from a careful analysis of the spectral properties of theground states at both small and large values for the corresponding eigenvalueparameter. We employ a novel technique combining concentration--compactness andspectral properties of linearized Schr\"odinger type operators to show that thesymmetric ground states can either be uniquely continued for the entireinterval of the eigenvalue parameter or they undergo a symmetry--breakingpitchfork bifurcation due to the second eigenvalue of the linearized operatorcrossing zero. In addition we prove the appropriate scaling for the stationarystates in the limit of large values of the eigenvalue parameter. The scalingand our novel technique imply that all ground states at large eigenvalues mustbe localized near a critical point of the potential and bifurcate from thesoliton of the focusing NLS equation without potential localized at the samepoint. The theoretical results are illustrated numerically for a double-wellpotential obtained after the splitting of a single-well potential. We comparethe cases before and after the splitting, and numerically investigatebifurcation and stability properties of the ground states which are beyond thereach of our theoretical tools.
机译:我们考虑了具有外部对称电位的聚焦(有吸引力的)非线性薛定\方程(NLS),该电位在无穷大处消失并支持线性束缚态。我们证明,如果电位具有一定的对称性,则非线性对称基态必须经历对称性打破分岔。在零的非退化局部极大值下,在一般假设下,我们表明分叉是亚临界或超临界分叉,在具有大间距的双势势的特殊情况下,非线性的能力决定了分叉的亚临界或超临界特性。通过仔细分析相应特征值参数在大数值和大数值下的基态光谱特性,我们采用了一种结合了浓度-紧致度和线性化Schr \“ odinger型算子的光谱特性的新技术,表明对称基态可以在整个interva中唯一持续l的特征值参数,或者由于线性化算子的第二个特征值越过零而经历对称-叉叉分叉。另外,我们证明了在特征值参数较大值的限制下对稳态的适当缩放。标度和我们的新技术意味着,所有大特征值的基态都必须位于电势的临界点附近,并且必须与聚焦NLS方程的孤子分叉,而不能将电势局限于同一点。对于单阱电势分裂后获得的双阱电势的理论结果进行了数值说明。我们比较了分裂前后的情况,并通过数值方法研究了基态的分叉和稳定性,这超出了我们理论工具的范围。



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